Zimbabwe Independence - Sakubva, Mutare Hosts Uhuru Celebrations

Manicaland Province on Monday, April 18, joins the rest of the country in commemorating 42 years of Independence from British colonial bondage.

This year’s celebrations will be held under the theme “Leaving no one and no place behind” and the main event is for the first time in history slated for Bulawayo where President Mnangagwa will officiate.

Giving an update on the preparations, Secretary for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Mr Edgars Seenza said the stage was set for the provincial commemorations.

“The preparations for Independence Day celebrations in Manicaland are at an advanced stage. The province’s main event will be held at Sakubva Stadium while commemorations will also be held in the various districts of the province. Chipinge will have two venues hosting the celebrations, while commemorations in Buhera are set for Chiurwi. Odzi High, Vengere Stadium, Mutasa DC Grounds, Emmanuel High and Mhakwe Primary School are the venues for the celebrations in Mutare, Makoni, Mutasa, Nyanga and Chimanimani respectively.

“We are still in the process of mobilising resources for the events and will today (Friday) hold a stakeholders meeting to brief them on progress. Everyone is welcome for the commemorations and we are expecting people from all walks of life in the province to turn up in their numbers at the respective venues to celebrate this special day in the country’s history,” said Mr Seenza.

Mr Seenza said this year’s theme for the commemorations resonated well with the development trajectory the country was taking under the new political dispensation.

“The Second Republic continues to make huge strides towards achieving an upper-middle income economy by 2030. Underpinned by the National Development Strategy (NDS1), devolution is turning around the country’s fortunes using indigenous resources and Manicaland is no exception.

“True to leaving no one and no place behind, we are moving as a province in implementing various devolution programmes and infrastructural development projects that are changing the province’s face. In fact, as we speak Manicaland’s GDP as well as the per capita income has increased. All these are the fruits of the Independence we are enjoying as a country,” said Mr Seenza.

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association’s Manicaland chairman, Cde Gift Kagweda said 42 years of self-governance is momentous in the country’s history and every citizen must take time to reflect on the significance of commemorating the day.

“Zimbabwe’s Independence was hard fought and won through the supreme sacrifices made by the gallant sons and daughters of the soil, some of whom paid with their lives to see our country liberated.

“The need to reclaim our birthright of land was at the centre of the liberation struggle and we are glad many benefited during the agrarian reform when land was redistributed to the previously marginalised black majority as a way of redressing the colonial injustice of land imbalances.

“For some of us who still bear the scars of the brutalities of the ruthless colonial regime, freedom means a lot and we should all deeply cherish it as Zimbabweans.

“The onus is now on us to make optimum use of the land as a means of production and President Mnangagwa is showing the way through the ongoing agricultural evolution to ensure national food security and nutrition. We salute the President for safeguarding and continuing to uphold the revolutionary legacy.

“Peace is prevailing and we can achieve a lot riding on unity. To consolidate the gains of Independence, we are forging ahead with nation-building, deriving impetus from President Mnangagwa’s mantra that “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo”,” said Cde Kagweda, a veteran of the liberation struggle.

He said the several empowerment projects lined up for war collaborators, non-combatants and ex-combatants is one of the many ways the new dispensation is sweetening the gains of Uhuru.

While political freedom was realised through Independence, the country is moving towards economic emancipation and women are not being left behind.
Zimbabwe Independence - Sakubva, Mutare Hosts Uhuru Celebrations
Zimbabwe Independence - Sakubva, Mutare Hosts Uhuru Celebrations
ZANU PF Nyanga North legislator, Honourable Chido Sanyatwe said it is through Uhuru that women are now benefiting from empowerment programmes in various sectors of the economy.

“A lot of economic opportunities have opened up as a result of freedom and this has given birth to many successful businesswomen. Entrepreneurship is flourishing among women as they now have huge presence and influence in the farming and mining sectors and are also making significant in-roads in tourism and hospitality as well as the timber industries.

“Upholding women’s rights is also helping in creating equality and equity, with many among us taking political space while others have also assumed leadership positions across both the economic and political divides.

“Having the likes of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Cde Monica Mutsvangwa; Defence and War Veterans Affairs Minister, Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri; as well as Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Cde Nokuthula Matsikenyeri in Government, is ample evidence of how much Independence has brought gains for the country.

“Notable progress has also been made in having several women in the House of Assembly, including myself. Those are some of the major milestones scored under Uhuru. Our business ventures are thriving as we leverage on the total control of our indigenous resources. All this would not have been possible without the country attaining Independence,” said Hon Sanyatwe.

The right to vote for the black majority, she added, also brings to the fore a universal privilege many are now enjoying since the attainment of Independence.

But the huge benefits Zimbabwe’s emancipation has brought about are not lost to the youths.

ZANU PF Manicaland Youth League chairperson, Cde Stanley Sakupwanya said Uhuru helped turn the country’s education system from an elitist to an egalitarian one.

“There is no longer segregation and marginalisation in our education and the sector has continued to grow, thanks to Independence. Uhuru brought with it the recognition of young people’s interests and through NDS1 the country is mainstreaming the Youth Policy across all sectors of the economy. This is helping in enhancing youth participation in development and decision-making processes,” said Cde Sakupwanya.

He added: “Our forefathers fought for the country’s freedom and as the youths, we need to emulate that patriotism and play active roles in building the country because we are the future leaders. With freedom came our new identity as the nation of Zimbabwe after shaking off and shedding the colonial relics. We must all be proud of that.” manicapost.co.zw

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